Hey there, Dustin here. Brandi was riding high on her hyperemesis cycle this week. She actually went outside and played with Orion on Saturday. She was doing really good and holding everything down. It was really good to see her out of bed and up and around. However, she overdid it a bit and was on the downward spiral by Sunday morning. I decided to take Ori and get him out of the house so Brandi could rest. We went to Aunt Jill's in Centerville for Easter dinner. Ori was the center of attention, even though all he wanted was to go outside to play. Here he is figuring out how those easter eggs work.
We've got some outside help coming in to carry the load until Brandi gets better. We hired a housekeeper to help twice a month and a part time nanny to help when I am at work. Hopefully It wont be long now. We went back and looked at her chart from last time, and the last time she had to get fluids was 14 weeks. We are almost there now, so keep us in your prayers!