Thursday, June 07, 2007

He is his Mothers son...

So, anyone who knows me knows that I tend to fall asleep with my eyes open. Yes, I know weird... and now I have passed this crazy trait onto my son. Here is a quick pic of him asleep today, this is just a little bit of what we are capable of. I remember when I was living with Julie she had like a whole conversation with me once and I was totally asleep lol. I am so weird.
Gammy bought Ori this cute little shreck toy, while we were down visiting for a few days, I was really bad and didnt take many pics, but here he is on their floor playin. He really likes his new toy, he has been rollin around with it on the floor the last few days. :)

1 comment:

[in training] julie b said...

Little??!?! The Shrek looks bigger than than Ori! And I totally remember that day when I realized that you were asleep and there I was chatting away wondering why you weren't responding. Now Ori can do that to friends. =)