Sunday, January 10, 2010


Today when I woke up I was sandwiched between Aurora and Orion. I turned and tried to un-kink my back and my neck and then proceeded to interrogate Orion. The discussion went something like this:

Me: Orion, why didn’t you stay in your bed last night? I am so tired.
Ori: Well… there were no people in me bed. (he meant me and aurora)
Me: People?
Orion: ya no people in me bed, and I need people.
Me: why do you need people in your bed? (sigh)
Orion: Well because… that’s just how it goes Mommy.

Then we had a sweet conversation at church that went something like this:
Me: See in that picture it shows how Jesus loves the little children and the children love him too.
Orion: oh… where is Jesus lives?
Me: He lives in heaven (kinda caught off guard).
Orion: Where is that?
Me: its with Heavenly Father, he lives with Heavenly Father.
Orion: Oh… well… you take me there?

I just had to kiss him. He is such a sweet boy and I am so thankful for him.

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