So on Tuesday last week I was in the kitchen making cookies for my visiting teaching ladies and Dustin had just left for work, Orion was playing around as usual and all was well... all of the sudden he started to cry so hurried to see what the matter was and found him with a wood stain can opened and all over him and the floor. This was a little tiny 8 oz can of black ebony stain, he had found it and opened it (if anyone has used stain recently you know how hard those cans are to open) I normally have to use a screwdriver to open it. Anyway, it was all over the lower half of his body, luckily I caught him just as he was pouring it... but he cried because of the black color that was all over new mickey pjs. It was nuts, this stuff is oil base and spreads like wildfire, so I ran him up to the bath (where it just got all over our tub and repelled the water) and started to scrub him down... I was worried about what it would do to his skin so I called poison control and they said it was fine as long as I could get it off his skin for the most part. I finally thought to use dish soap and that did the trick but he was pretty upset that the black wouldn't come off while I was cleaning him off - he kept trying to scratch it off. It was so sad. After he was taken care of I went to start cleaning up the kitchen floor, luckily we haven't replaced this flooring just yet so it is still a little black but it doesn't matter too much.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The scare for this week...
Decorating the tree...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Next Tiger...
He had so much fun playing for hours outside in the sun.
We so loved spending time in St. George with Gammy Grandpa and all the fam! We had such a good time golfing and Orion LOVED their backyard where he could play all he wanted in 60 degree weather... ahh... sunshine.
Thank you for all you do Gammy and Grandpa we love you and miss you.Monday, November 05, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Disney Land ...

Happy Halloween!
YAY I finally got another computer so now I can continue blogging. So, poor Dustin had a show on Halloween but Orion and I went out trick-or-treating together, while uncle steve hung out and handed out candy. We weren't gone long but it was fun to go - Ori didn't really understand what was going on lol but we had a good time visiting our friends.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Fun Dinner at Chili's...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Who needs a gallbladder anyway?
So we had a crazy turn of events on Sunday in the wee hours of the night. Steve woke me and Dustin up complaining about a terrible stomach ache. He said he needed to go to the emergency room (totally not like steve to WANT to go to the Doctor, normally he only goes kicking and screaming) so we rushed him in to the E.R. The Doctor looked him over ran some tests and decided to hook him up to an IV with morphine. They kept him there all night then early Monday morning did an ultra sound where they discovered gal stones his blood tests showed a high white count (indicating infection). Then they rushed him into the OR to have his gallbladder removed - it was crazy how fast everything happened. He was in surgery by 11:50 that morning... finally he came out of surgery around 2:40 and then they put him in post op for an hour or so, then he went up to a room to recover a little longer and go through a round of antibiotics. He stayed and slept almost all day yesterday due to all the drugs in his system, then today he was feeling a little better. He was actually able to get up and walk around a little, I was so relieved. Now thankfully he is still in the hospital but I think he will be released tomorrow to come home and rest some more. Poor kid, crazy few days.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Hotel Safe
So I forgot to throw on a few videos and pictures of Orion playing in the hotel when we went on our anniversary stay to the Hilton. He found the hotel safe inside the closet and had the best time pushing the buttons. Goofball. Its so fun and amazing to watch his mind work.
Bath Time Fun
Well its time to catch up again. My computer actually bit the dust this week - so I have a new harddrive on the way and we have a few other computers but they are desktop's and in a whole other area of the house... where I am too lazy to go and update stuff lol. Anyway, here is a quick video of Ori playin in the bath.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Two sickies
We are the two sickies ... me and Orion have this awful cold this week! It has been pretty yucky. He is handling it pretty well though, I must say he is much easier to take care of when he has a cold now that he is older (it is easier to take care of myself too). So because of this we have had a busy week and I have had little time to update the blog, so I thought I would just post a little note about this week. Orion has learned to tell himself "no". We have a fire place in out family room and I have to remind him not to play with it fairly often. Most of the time he is pretty good about obeying, so last week he went over to the fire place and reached his hand out and then turned and put his index finger up, scowled and said "no"! Micki and I were on the couch talking and we both just started laughing, it was SO cute!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Happy Wedding Day!!
To my sweet and wonderful husband. It is our second wedding anniversery today! It has been an amazing first few years. I love you and hope all your dreams are comming true! :) We go to go stay in the Hilton together (with Ori of course haha) and we had a great time! We got dessert at the Olive Garden there next to the Hilton and just relaxed. It was perfect! Here is a wedding highlight clip (thanks again Justin we love it)!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
More catching up...
We made it..
Orion had his year doctors apt last week and he did great! I have such a hard time taking him in for shots. He had to get one this trip which isnt bad comparatively - but it was still hard to take him in. He was walking all over the room and playing around - he was great. Micki and Steve went with us to take him in so that was nice to have them to support us.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Happy Birthday pictures
Here are a few more pictures from Orions party. It was such a wonderful night. These are a few pictures of him opening his presents. He was way excited, and kept getting distracted by each toy that he opened it was so cute.

Dustin's Surprise
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Happy Birthday Orion!!
It was Orions first birthday on the 16th!! Wow what a year. We had an amazing party for him yesterday and it was so much fun! Thank you all for coming and sharing this special day with us. We felt so loved.
I made a video and here it is but the quality was lost in the conversion - but you can still view it. Remember push play twice - its wierd I know.
I made a video and here it is but the quality was lost in the conversion - but you can still view it. Remember push play twice - its wierd I know.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
So today was my sweet husbands birthday! We spent the weekend in St. George with Gammy and Grandpa - Dustin came back on Sunday and me, Steve, Micki, and Orion came home today. We made in home just in time for Dustin to get home from work. Then Lisa was nice enough to watch Orion for the night so Dustin and I could spend some much needed time together. We went to a great Japanese restaurant near our house and had Sushi and yummy food. Then came home and relaxed all together. I hope you are happy and had a wonderful birthday honey. You are a wonderful husband and father. I love you and I am so thankful the Lord sent you to me ;)
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Yucky cold..
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