Monday, August 17, 2009

Aug 17

Hey Brandi, don't worry about not being able to e-mail me sometimes, I know your busy. My e-mails have sucked lately anyway so it is all good.

That photo of Aurora was way creepy, she looks like a female copy of Orion lol. Way creepy... Cute, but still creepy.

Everything is going well here, our Bishop, Bishop Lambert just got a job in Washington so he will be moving this week. They just released him and we will be getting a new Bishop soon. I think it will be President Mann, I don't know I ever told you about the Mann's but they are pretty much awesome. Sister Mann leads the Stake in shepherding visits by herself, and that is compared to whole relief society groups and stuff... lol. We have this on going joke with her because we will all ways get to someones house and they will be like "oh yeah, sister Mann was just here yesterday." She all ways beats us everywhere! argh. Anyway, so I am thinking that he will be pulled down from the Stake Presidency and made our bishop, but we will see.

We have just been going around doing Missionary work and stuff lol, Earnest is getting closer, he has his answer he just needs to accept that he has his answer. We got a new progressing investigator named Sarah Medavich, she is freaking awesome. Way golden investigator, she is out of town right now for two weeks finalizing her divorce though so hopefully when she gets back she will still be excited about it.

It is Black Saturday next week, and I am once again wondering what will happen. Either I will get transferred out and Elder Bolen will stay here and train for his last Transfer or we will both stay and I will kill Bolen off. I kind of hope that I get to kill Bolen off, that would be cool. He would be a way good first kill.
President Cotterell has been changing everything, the mission is way different and way strict. Everyone is just way scared of him right now so I am wondering how everything is going to play out. The mission as a whole went from over 160 baptismal dates to under 60... in just the past six months that he has been here. Everything is changing, it is weird.

We get to go to the temple on Wednesday!! so that will be sweet. And now my computer is about to kick me off... lol so ttyl. Love,

Elder Radulovich.

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