Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The good news and bad news!!

Well I will start with the good news! We are expecting another baby!! I found out about two and half weeks ago on a friday that I was pregnant with out second baby, I was filled with all kinds of emotions excitement, nervousness, happiness and it all hit me kinda hard. I dont know why it wasnt unexpected really but I was surprised nonetheless. When I found out I was pregnant with Orion I didnt really get to tell Dustin in a fun or cute way due to circumstances with my family at the time, so I really wanted to do something for him that would make it special. So I read online and tried to find a cute way to tell him. He was going snowboarding with the guys the next day on Saturday... so on saturday Orion and I went out and searched for a big brother shirt EVERYWHERE... I couldn't find one anywhere... so I decided to get some transfer paper and a t-shirt for Orion and make him a big brother shirt to where when Daddy came home. We were running out of time so we ran home and I printed it out and ironed it on - this is how it turned out!

As soon as Dustin walked in and Ori ran to greet him I heard him say "OH.... wow..... does this mean what I think it means?" lol I laughed and said yes - it was a fun memory for us and Ori looked so cute in his Big bro shirt. So, we are about 8 weeks and due in October around the 9th. As for the bad news... the last two weeks have been really hard I have hyperemesis again and I was so hoping to not have the same problem this time around. http://www.hyperemesis.org/

I have been in for iv fluids twice already and have dropped 10lbs... its so hard to be excited for a new baby when I have been so sick, Dustin has been remarkable however, he has taken all the load off of me and has done such an amazing job at caring for everyone and trying to do everything... he has been so sweet to me and he and Orion have had some good bonding time. I am so thankful to all our family and friends who have been so much help during this trying time. Thank you for stepping in I cant express how much it means to each of us. I miss spending time with Orion, I havent been able to leave my bed really. We love all of you and hopefully this down time will pass farily quickly. I know that the Lord gives us trials to teach - but right now I cant figure out what I am supposed to be learning (I hope it comes to me quickly). Thank you again to eveyrone.


Justin Caldwell said...

Congrats guys. Exciting news.

Heather said...

Congrats! That is really exciting. I know we are kind of far away, but if you need anything let us know. Its hard being sick, especially when you have a baby to take care of. Good luck with everything!

The Sumkos said...

Yah!!!!! We are so excited for you guys. That was such a cute way to tell Dustin. I am so sorry that you are sick, that is no fun. And you're right, it really makes it hard to be excited. We are very happy for you guys!!

Core Wife said...

Remember that the trials we go thru aren't always for our benefit but for those around us. How you are handling yourself is an example that we all need. YIPPEE on BABY!!!
Love from BOISE BUNCH!!!

Dave and Christine said...

Congratulations!! By the way Ori looks super cute in his big bro shirt.