Friday, March 14, 2008

Keep On Keepin' On...

Dustin here again. It's crazy how the days just blend together, Even when this last month has seemed sooo long. Brandi is still fighting the good fight. She's still pretty darn sick. Yesterday she tried to go to wal-mart with Steve, and that didn't end so well. They say that the majority of women with Hyperemesis get better after 20 weeks, and we are about at week 12. So keep us in our prayers! Today Brandi's fledgling video business had a wedding to shoot, so I had to cover it. It was weird being back at the Salt Lake Temple doing a wedding video. It's been so long. It would have been quite refreshing, had I not known I had to be at KJZZ doing my real job when I finished. Props to Justin for shooting the Reception while I take care of my Powerhouse responsibilites. Oh I also saw Mike Terry there shooting a wedding. Small World. Also Props to Stevie for watching Orion 4 days this week.

Work these past weeks has been hard. My Technical Director is no longer at the station, so we've had some different people filling in. For Those of you that don't speak TV, The T.D. is the guy who sits at the giant board with all the pretty little lights, and pushes all the buttons when the director tells him to. He's pretty integral to the show. A Good T.D. makes the show go so much better. He catches all the mistakes that the Director doesn't see. So we've been looking for a permanent replacement. Anyone out there who wants to be ordered around by me 5 nights a week? :P The Jazz are in full swing right now, so I've been having to work a few games on the weekends. That's been rough on Brandi, cause I'm not home as much. But there are only 4 more away games in the season left, but then the playoffs start! Wow, long season.

Thanks for everyone's help this last little bit. We are hoping that we're near the end of the Big "H"


Core Wife said...

Keep Hanging in There you Guys. We love you! You're in our prayers daily and on the Temple rolls weekly!
HUGS! from Boise

The Sumkos said...

We are so sorry you guys! Hang in there and we will definately keep you in our prayers. It's amazing what we go through to get these kids here isn't it? Good luck and remember, this too shall pass. (so not what you want to hear right now I now)