Sunday, June 29, 2008

I am totally in love...

So... its true... I am a little bias when it comes to this face. Regardless I am totally in love with this boy!! What a sweet blessing it is to have such a wonderful son. His birthday is coming up and I cant believe it has been 2 years already since we met for the first time. Since we are expecting now... it brings the reality of how fast they grow up seem so true. Its so amazing how quickly everything changes and how incredible it is to be a Mother. Ok ... I'm done gushing but this pic is truly special to me I really think it brings out his true personality. What can I say I am a proud Mom lol.

Yes, in the picture below he and Ender are sharing his goldfish crackers lol, they are seriously joined at the hip - he and his buddy do everything together. Ender sleeps on the floor wherever it is Ori is napping at the time, and he follows him everywhere. Ender is a great nanny and takes a lot of abuse from Ori (but he loves every second I promise lol).

1 comment:

Kiora said...

He is just so dang cute. How are you guys?