Friday, August 15, 2008

The Call...

The call finally came last Thursday for Steve. I have to say it was pretty surreal. When the big envelop arrived it said to Elder Steven Jon Radulovich it was pretty amazing. We were all so nervous to see where he would be spending the next two years! I had Micki record the calling at the bottom to put on here for memory sake. He is such a great person and I am so proud of him to be making this decision and going through with it even though he is pretty much petrified.

This is about 4 minutes because we are dumb and didnt find the actual call letter for a minute lol. So if you would rather not wait I will put the rest of the information at the bottom of this post. The others in the video are our new step brother and sisters Joe, Susie (her husband Ander) and Katie, then me and Mic. Way to go Steve - I am going to miss you like CRAZY!!!

The call was to Raleigh North Carolina and he leaves November 19th - We are happy to finally know where he is going and he has started to research the area. He actually already knows a few people there. So let us know if you know anyone who has gone there or is going there. Thanks.

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