Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bedrest AGAIN!

Well I thought since I was lying here in bed again I should try and update the blog on Aurora's development over the past week and a half.
Last friday night the family got together for Steve's B day dinner at a beloved Japanese restaurant by our house. As we were getting ready to go I started really having strong and steady contractions. I kinda brushed them off as Braxton Hicks because I had been feeling them a lot for a week, thought not steady. So at dinner I started really timing them while we ate and talked, they were about 10 min apart and pretty strong strong enough to get my attention while talking to the fam. When we got home I continued to time them an this lasted about 3-4 hours, at which point I called our Dr., who also happens to be Dustins Dad and Stepmom. His Dad is an OBGYN and Raquelle is a Midwife CNM, so I was able to reach them on their vacation and on friday night, thank goodness. They decided because of my history of coming early with Orion (just three weeks mind you, not 8) to put me on some meds to slow down and maybe stop contractions. I started these late Friday night but the contractions continued through the weekend strong and 10 min apart. We went in to be looked at on Monday and as it turns out I am 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and in early preterm labor! GREAT!
So, they decided that it would be best to stand me on my head and try to defeat gravity. They gave me a few shots of meds to help with the contractions, which doesnt stop them, but it is supposed to make them ineffective. Meaning instead of all the muscles working together to push baby down, they are sporadic and end up pushing all around instead of down. They decided our goal is Sept 10th and I am on strict bedrest until then.
Two weeks doesnt seem like that long compared to 5 months of bedrest in the beginning, however, my cute sisters wedding is on Friday the 5th and my brother and sister are getting their endowments out on the 3rd. I have been looking forward to both of these events for so long. I am going in again on Monday and if I haven't progressed any further then I think they will let me go to the sealing ceremony on fri since its not usually too long and I will be sitting. So, keep your fingers crossed for us, again.
The good news is that Aurora looks great, she is estimated to be 5lbs 1ounce last mon. She is very active. I had a steroid to help her lungs progress at 28 weeks because of what happened to Orion so that is a really good thing now that it looks like she will be coming even earlier then he. She is just very anxious to get started with her life I guess lol. I must say I am excited to meet her, and I am counting the days till I can stop these meds and get out of bed again lol. It was fun while it lasted ;)


Heather said...

Yikes! I hope everything is okay! Sept 10th is right around the corner. Good luck with everything and let us know if you need anything, even though we are kind of far away.

Cynthia Lovell said...

Hi BRandi, This is Cynthia! Remember me??? I'm so excited for you and your family!!! Good Luck and I HOPE you make it for Micky's wedding. I didn't even know she was getting married. Congratulations to Steve and his mission!!! Congratulations to your Dad!!! I'm very Happy for ALL of you!!!! Your little Orion is darling. You're all doing GREAT! Give everyone our Love! From Byron & Cynthia Lovell

Core Wife said...

Love you tons! We pray for you both everyday! Let us know how things look for the Wedding.