Monday, April 14, 2008

Back in Time...

This last Friday I was invited to travel back to Logan to Speak at my alma mater, Utah State. One of my old professors invited me to speak to the Broadcast students as a "professional" in the industry. They had a few other people there, 2 reporters from KSL and An assignment editor from Channel 4. We were on a panel designed to help the students get a job when they graduate. I was like: "Sit up straight! Don't Mumble! Call me Sir, Gosh-dang it!" (What movie?) I wanted to be a little more realistic and say: "Get out now! Do you WANT to earn 30K a year for the rest of your life?! Major in business like a sane person!" But I was positive and hopefully the kids were helped out. Gosh they seemed so young.

It was very weird going back to Logan. It seems so long since I was there. There were some new buildings and such, but still, the timelessness of the place really struck me. As a was driving to and from campus, a million memories hit me at once. Every street, every bus stop, every building was loaded with memories. College is such a crazy time in a person's life, so many huge decisions to be made. It was nice to take a travel down memory lane. Hopefully sometime in the future I can return and take Brandi and the kids to a basketball game.


Ryan said...

There is nothing like a game at the Spectrum. You would put the kids in a Game Day shirt, right?
Love the Clearpebble site.

Lisa said...

Dustin, you're lucky you were just visiting. As for me, I'm STILL stuck here! (For now.) How impressive that you were invited as a "professional". It just doesn't seem so long ago that we met in Beginning Newswriting, and listened to professionals like you. Yet at the same time it seems like ages ago! (And it WAS ages ago...almost six years, can you believe it?) Thanks for all the good times and laughs we had here in Logan.

And to Brandi -- I'm so glad you are feeling better! Hearing about such a difficult pregnancy pulls at the heartstrings of all mothers, I think. I hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing, because you really deserve it!