Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Night Terrors

Dustin Here. People that know me well know that I have night terrors. I do come by it honestly. My Dad has them. I remember well the night when he ran around the house yelling that the mountain was caving in on the house. Mom says he would jump up on the bed and act all crazy. My Brother used to sleepwalk all the time. My Night Terrors manifest themselves when I am stressed out. When I was in the MTC, I would yell and thrash around in my sleep. In college I would sleepwalk every now and then. But the past few years it has gotten really bad. When I lived with Derrick in Bountiful, I woke up standing on the front porch in my G's, With Derrick standing behind me "WHAT are you doing!?" Now, with Brandi being sick and me having to carry a much heavier load to keep the house running, they happen once a week. About a month ago, I flew out of bed, ran down the hall, and promptly fell down the stairs. I hobbled to the couch, with Brandi running after me screaming at me. As I slowly emerged from my fog, I began to feel stupid, which is usually the case. My back hurt for a week. In my mind, I have a very good reason to jump out of bed in my undies and run around. However, as I slowly awake, the reason flees from my brain, and I don''t exactly know why I am running down the stairs at 3 AM. I guess I need to blow off more steam before I go to bed!

1 comment:

Dave and Christine said...

Christine here, I get night terrors really bad too so don't feel you are alone. As a kid my parents said they were really bad. I agree with you also they can be quite embarrassing but funny too. Its nice to see I am not the only one running around my house at night for no reason(Of course, at the time it feels like there is a reason). Good luck with it.