Friday, April 18, 2008


I am finally feeling a little better and I have been slowly beginning to be able to get out of bed and join the living! Dustin took me in for some more fluids on Sunday and I was feeling pretty yucky that day, but since then I think I am feel a little better everyday, and it feels like this little baby is doubling in size everyday ha. I am kinda scared to say I am feeling better just because I dont want to jinx it and I am praying it doesnt come back suddenly. I am 17 1/2 weeks so about half way yay! I have been going crazy laying here for three months trying to keep anything down, thinking of all the things that need to be done and redecorating our room in my head lol.

I cant tell you how much Orion has grown through the three months I have been down. He has changed from a baby to a boy. He climbs up on everything, jumps around, and pretty daring, but he is also so inquisitive. He wants to look and see how and why things do what they do. He is starting to develop such a fun and interesting personality. He has been having so much fun at Granny Janny's with Dayson and the family. I am excited to start feeling better be able to spend more time doing fun spring/summer activities. I have felt so guilty not spending time with him - but he has been so well taken care of and he sure loves to see everyone.
In this picture orion had found a way to climb into his high chair by himself with the tray on - goofy boy.

This is his camera smile - cheesy face.


Kiora said...

We are so glad you are feeling better. We will pray it continues. Enjoy the warm weather.

Kara said...

This is kind of random because you don't really know me (I'm Dustin's old girlfriend's younger sister -- and yes, that is the weirdest connection ever), but I just wanted to say that I'm so glad you're feeling better! It's hard to feel crummy when you have another little one to care for. I'm sure Orion will be ecstatic to have his mom back!