Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy new year! Bring on 2008!

I cant believe we are going into 2008. It's craziness... anyway, I thought I should throw a couple of pics on here real quick. We didn't do much for new years because Dustin had to work, so I just rented a few movies and tried to take it easy. This is a pic of Orion sitting on Steve's lap playing, he loves to play with Steve its so cute he gets so excited and if he wakes up early will go pound on Steve's door until he wakes up.
Orion still loves to play the "where is Orion?" game... he hides in our closet, under blankets, behind his own hands etc and gets a kick out of it. He is teething again - ugh poor guy - so his shirt is pretty wet in these pics. :)
Happy new year everyone!!

1 comment:

The Sumkos said...

Orion is so stinkin cute! I can't believe how big he is. We have not seen you guys for over a year so it's about time. We should all get together and go to the cabin!