Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Poor Baby Check up -

So Orion had a check up today - He is growing great and everything looks good. He is the 25th percentile for everything except his weight (he is a pretty small guy). For some reason he is only in the 10th percentile for his weight- I don't get it either he eats SO much and he is not picky at all. He loves all kinds of food but I think the problem might be that his favorite foods are really really healthy and low fat. His favorite soup is miso soup - he absolutely loves green beans and broccoli and tomato's - he likes chicken tacos lol according to the Dr I should try more ice cream, cookies, and peanut butter (the problem with that is I eat it too when we get it for him ha).

Anyway - He did have to get a few shots and that seriously breaks my heart everytime. I think I have a PTSD from all the poking they did to him earlier in his life - and then I worry that if I feel that way he must have a little memory of all that. So after all that he got a sucker and we came home and rested, cuddled up on the couch and watched his favorite show - luckily his appointment was pretty late in the day so he was able to got to sleep pretty soon after we got home. What a sweety.

1 comment:

The Sumkos said...

I hate it when they have to get shots! It breaks my heart every time. Wait until you pull up to the doctors office and he starts to freak out, you feel like an abusive mother or something.