Saturday, September 13, 2008

First real haircut!

Ok, so Ori has never had a real haircut, and since I have been on bed rest it really has grown a lot and was in need of a serious trim. I really didnt want to get his hair cut because I loved his blond curls - but Dustin was pretty strongly suggesting that it needed to be done. So today we decided to go and get it clipped. I cant tell you how awesome he was when we got there, he sat patiently and waited his turn, then the whole time he was so still and didnt make a peep! Until the end when he was offered a sucker of course. I was so proud of him everyone made over how good and calm he was. I feel so lucky to have him, I miss being with him as much since I have been on bedrest. I really enjoy spending time with him. I will be happy to have Aurora here and start recovering so I can be with him more, I feel like I have missed an entire year! Anyway, here are some pics of how it all went down today. This is his cheesy smile when he was all done and enjoying his sucker - what a pose!

He looks so grown up - oh man time goes too fast.


Core Wife said...

That first haircut takes them from toddler to child and WOW! Ori, you are awesome!

Kiora said...

He is so cute.

Dave and Christine said...

Ori melts my heart. His facial expressions are so sweet.